Observer prize 2015- II - Rules

The Observer Prize is a semestral contest to test the observation and deduction capabilities of the BGB members.

Naah... It's just for having fun! :)

This time we changed a bit the rules to increase participation. So check the bold points in the small print below.

Small print:

  1. Only active members of the BGB can take part in this contest.
  2. This semester the OP comes in 1 single part, which is a Word document with several questions sent to you via email.
  3. The participant with more correct answers will get a prize.
  4. The participant that holds the second position starting from the bottom of the classification will also get a prize!
  5. The questions are always about games that have been played at least twice, as it appears on the list of Games we play.
  6. Standard rules are assumed, unless indicated otherwise. 
  7. Deadlines for submission is December 4th. Details for submission are written directly in the document.
  8. For the sake of sharing, no member can win twice in a row. Therefore, is this happens, the winner will whoever holds the second position.
  9. Whoever is the one making the questions, obviously cannot participate in the contest.
  10. The prize will be given on December 11th.